快速城镇化背景下天津市东丽区内外综合协调持续发展探索 The Exploration of Sustainable Development Based on Comprehensive Coordination under the Background of Rapid Urbanization in Dongli District, Tianjin

基于天津市东丽区国家可持续发展实验区建设过程的实地调查,分析了东丽区可持续发展面临的主要问题及关键制约因素。总结了东丽区可持续发展的基本思路及模式。东丽区以功能区划调整为核心,以转变发展观念、创新发展模式、提高发展质量为主线,确定了内外综合协调发展实验的发展主题,以生态资源保护利用、生态新型产业发展、生态特色环境改善、生态文化城区建设为创建特色,以提高人民群众物质文化生活水平和促进社会全面进步为宗旨,以建设生态工程、兴办生态产业、创立生态品牌、发展生态经济为主要内容,以生态崛起、健康发展、社会进步为总体目标,提出了构建经济、社会与环境协调发展的智慧东丽的建设与发展思路,以期在局部地区探索实现生态环境、生产能力和生活水平同步发展和生态效益、社会效益和经济效益同步增长的新路径,为中国可持续发展战略的全面实施提供经验。东丽区在快速城镇化进程中的可持续发展对策主要包括两点:其一为经济向高端转型,推动医药、汽车等特色产业的科技化发展,借助京津冀协同发展之势,依靠大项目建设和好项目引进,精炼并深化区域产业链,将园区提升改造作为重点,为高端产业发展拓展空间;其二为农村向城市转型,以示范小城镇建设为依托积极推进“智慧东丽”建设,推行“三区联动”,形成典型经验。 Based on the field survey about building process of China National Sustainable Communities (CNSC) in Dongli district, Tianjin, this paper analyzes the main problems and key factors which influence sustainable development, and summarizes the basic train of thought and mode about the sustain-able development of Dongli. Taking function zoning adjustment as core, Dongli determined the theme of comprehensive coordination development both of inside and outside, which carried out changing the concept of development, innovation of development mode, improving the quality of development as the main line, featuring protective use of ecological resources, development of ecological new industry, improvement of ecological cultural urban, with the purpose of improving the level of people’s material and cultural life and promoting all-round social progress, taking the construction of ecological engineering, the establishment of the ecological industry, ecological brand creation, developing ecological economy as the main content, taking ecological rise, healthy development, social progress as the overall goals. It puts forward the thought about construction and development for economic, social and environmental coordinated development in Dongli dis-trict, looking forward to explore the implementation of synchronous development among ecological environment, production capacity and living standards, hoping ecological benefits, social benefits and economic benefits of synchronous growth. The new path provides experience for the full implementation of sustainable development strategy in China. Sustainable development counter measures in Dongli district during the rapid urbanization process mainly include two points: one is for the economy to a high-end transformation, promoting the development of science and tech-nology of pharmaceutical, automobile and other special industries, with the aid of coordinated development trend of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, which is depended on the introduction of big projects and good projects, and the refined and deepened regional industrial chain, takes promotion and transformation of park as point, and provides space for the development of high- end industry; the second point is the transformation from rural to urban. The government of Dongli district actively pushes forward the “wisdom of Dongli” and“three zones linkage” by the way of the construction of the small demonstration towns, which will be the typical experience.
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