Geodesics and Bending of Light around a BTZ Black Hole Surrounded by Quintessential Matter

Various observations from cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), type Ia supernova and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) are strongly suggestive of an accelerated expansion of the universe which can be explained by the presence of mysterious energy known as dark energy. The quintessential matter coupled with gravity minimally is considered one of the possible candidates to represents the presence of such dark energy in our universe. In view of this scenario, we study the geodesic of massless particles as well as massive particles around a (2+1) dimensional BTZ black hole (BH) spacetime surrounded by the quintessence. The effect of parameters involved in the deflection of light by such a BH spacetime is investigated in detail. The results obtained are then compared with a usual non-rotating BTZ BH spacetime.
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