Cas cliniqueAbcès rétropharyngé révélateur d’un diabète : à propos d’un casRetropharyngeal abscess revealing diabetes: A case report

Retropharyngeal abscess, a rare event in adults, is usually observed in immunodeficient persons or subsequent to foreign bodies. We report a case of retropharyngeal abscess which revealed diabetes mellitus. A 47-year-old woman with an uneventful history complained of fever, dysphagia and trismus. Clinical findings were swelling of the pharyngeal posterior wall. The CT scan showed an abscess in the retropharyngeal space. Puncture revealed the purulent nature of the collection. The bacteriological study identified a Gram-negative aerobic germ (Citrobacter freundii). Laboratory tests disclosed diabetes mellitus with ketosis. The treatment consisted in surgical drainage and lavage of the retropharyngeal space using a saline solution with gentamycin associated with infusion of appropriate antibiotics. Abscess formation in the retropharyngeal space is a rare event in adults. The immunological status of the patient should be carefully explored. Management requires drainage of the collection and infusion of active antibiotics.
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