Microdiagnostic Lab on a Chip - LDRD Final Report

Polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon) surface micromachining is a new technology for building micrometer ({micro}m) scale mechanical devices on silicon wafers using techniques and process tools borrowed from the manufacture of integrated circuits. Sandia National Laboratories has invested a significant effort in demonstrating the viability of polysilicon surface micromachining and has developed the Sandia Ultraplanar Micromachining Technology (SUMMiT V{trademark} ) process, which consists of five structural levels of polysilicon. A major advantage of polysilicon surface micromachining over other micromachining methods is that thousands to millions of thin film mechanical devices can be built on multiple wafers in a single fabrication lot and will operate without post-processing assembly. However, if thin film mechanical or surface properties do not lie within certain tightly set bounds, micromachined devices will fail and yield will be low. This results in high fabrication costs to attain a certain number of working devices. An important factor in determining the yield of devices in this parallel-processing method is the uniformity of these properties across a wafer and from wafer to wafer. No metrology tool exists that can routinely and accurately quantify such properties. Such a tool would enable micromachining process engineers to understand trends and thereby improve yield of micromachined devices. In this LDRD project, we demonstrated the feasibility of and made significant progress towards automatically mapping mechanical and surface properties of thin films across a wafer. The MEMS parametrics measurement team has implemented a subset of this platform, and approximately 30 wafer lots have been characterized. While more remains to be done to achieve routine characterization of all these properties, we have demonstrated the essential technologies. These include: (1) well-understood test structures fabricated side-by-side with MEMS devices, (2) well-developed analysis methods, (3) new metrologies (i.e., long working distance interferometry) and (4) a hardware/software platform that integrates (1), (2) and (3). In this report, we summarize the major focus areas of our LDRD project. We describe the contents of several articles that provide the details of our approach. We also describe hardware and software innovations we made to realize a fully automatic wafer prober system for MEMS mechanical and surface property characterization across wafers and from wafer-lot to wafer-lot.
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