Identifikasi Sifat Fisik Tanah dan Lahan Dengan Lereng dan Vegetasi Yang Berbeda Untuk Penentukan Prediksi Erosi di Kebun Percontohan Baturaja, OKU.

The aim of this experiment was to find out soil and land physical properties, also to predict soil erodibility and erosion on Farming Research Center BPPT at Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu. Investigation method was based on survey and grid system, and soil samples were identified on the field and analysed in the soil laboratories. Soil erosion was predicted using USLE (USDA). The results show that type of vegetation affects organic matter content, which was highest (5.99%) in soil under forest and lowest (2.48%) in soil under Imperata cylindrica L. Erodibility values were low under all type of vegetation and under different slope degree. However, predicted erosion was highest at 18o slope under shrub (15.6 ton/h/y) and under Imperata cylindrica L. (19.8 ton/h/y). It semms the predicted erosion were more influenced by vegetation and slope degree than by erodibility. It is suggested that this land is not suitable for farming especially at 18o slope. If this land would be upened for farm, it is necessary to apply mechanical soil conservation method.
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