Biodiversity and Urban Gardens: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants That Can Used In Erzurum (Turkey) Urban Gardens

Abstract Turkey is a rich country in biodiversity due to its characteristics like topographic and geomorphological structures it shelters, being an extended peninsula and climatic features. Europe and Middle East countries with the richest biodiversity distribution showing the number of plant species in Turkey is close to the number of plant species in the whole of the European continent. According to data of TUBIVES 2017 (official plant database), Turkey owns more than 12000 plant taxa 3000 of which are endemic. Erzurum province shelters 264 of endemic plants growing in East Anatolia, some of which have medicinal and aromatic effects East Anatolia Region of Turkey is the second richest region in the country following the Mediterranean for the number of endemic plant species. The method of research consists of survey, data collection, analysis and synthesis. As a result of this study; among the medicinal and aromatic plants grown naturally in and around Erzurum city, fruit, flowers, calligraphic features, seasonal colour change, plants which can be used as ornamental plants were determined and their usage areas in landscape architecture were determined. _________________________________________________________________________________ Biyocesitlilik ve Kentsel Bahceler: Erzurum (Turkiye) Kentsel Bahcelerinde Kullanilan Tibbi ve Aromatik Bitkiler  Oz Turkiye, sahip oldugu topografik, jeomorfolojik yapi, uc tarafinin denizlerle cevrili olmasi, iklim ozellikleri gibi faktorlerden dolayi biyocesitlilik yonunden oldukca zengin bir ulkedir.  Avrupa ve Orta Dogunun en zengin biyolojik cesitlilige sahip ulkesi olan Turkiye’de yayilis gosteren bitki turlerinin sayisi Avrupa kitasinin tumundeki bitki turlerinin sayisina yakindir. Yani, bu haliyle Turkiye Florasi bir kita florasi niteligine sahiptir. TUBIVES 2017 verilerine gore; Turkiye, 3000 ’i askin endemik olmak uzere, 12000’e yakin bitki taksonuna sahiptir. Dogu Anadolu Bolgesi’nin sahip oldugu endemik bitkilerin 264 ’u Erzurum kentine aittir. Bu bitkilerin bir kismi tibbi ve aromatik etkiye sahiptir.  Dogu Anadolu Bolgesi, endemik bitki sayisi yonunden Akdeniz Bolgesi’nden sonra ikinci sirada yer alir. Arastirmanin yontemini etut, veri toplama, analiz ve sentez olusturmaktadir. Bu calismanin sonucunda; Erzurum kenti ve cevresinde dogal olarak yetisen, tibbi, aromatik yonden kullanilan bitkiler arasindan meyve, cicek, kaligrafik ozellik, mevsimsel renk degisimi bakimindan etkili olan ayni zamanda sus bitkisi olarak kullanilabilecek bitkiler belirlenip peyzaj mimarligindaki kullanim alanlari tespit edilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Biyocesitlilik, tibbi ve aromatik bitkiler, peyzaj mimarligi, Erzurum, Turkiye
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