[Congenital cystic lung lesions--review of the literature with three clinical cases].

: Congenital cystic lung lesions are rare. Mainly affects the lower respiratory patishta.i are congenital cystic malformation and adematozna bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS). The pathogenesis of the occurrence of these malformations is not clear but they have a common clinical course. In most cases, the anomaly is asymptomatic and occurs with infections of the lung during the first year of life. Currently congenital lung lesions were classified into five types and is considered by most authors. The anomaly is due to the abnormal proliferation of terminal bronchioles accompanied by inhibition of alveolar development between 7-17 weeks, obstructed airway dysplasia and metaplasia of normal lung tissue. Early diagnosis is vital in making a medical decision on how to treat CCAM. Associated with abnormalities of the urinary tract, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal atresia, diaphragmatic hernia skeletal abnormalities. In pregnancies in which prenatal lung lesions weighs registered necessary series of ultrasound examinations to track finding and using the Doppler to assess how the blood supply of the fault. The clinical presentation of malformations is respiratory distress, respiratory infection, and dyspnea. The use of CT and MRA allows better visualization of the pulmonary lesions. With its combination with arteriography and bronchoscopy are used to differentiate CCAM and pulmonary sequestration. We present three cases with lung lesions were born in Neonatologia clinic at the University Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology "Maternity" Sofia for the period 2010-2012 three cases CCAMs type 1, operated by 5 meters after birth with a good final outcome without complications in the postoperative period and lack of pulmonary symptoms up to 1 year after birth.
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