The influence of an applied tensile stress on the magnetic after‐effect of Co67Fe4Mo1Si12B16

The influence of an applied tensile stress on the kinetics of reorientation processes of the amorphous alloy Co67Fe4Mo1Si12B16 is investigated by the method of the magnetic after-effect (MAE). After a numerical evaluation of isotherms of the MAE it turns out that the kinetics is not altered by application of stress. Using a pre-exponential factor τ0 between 2.8 × 10−12 and 2.8 × 10−9s the most probable value of the spectrum of activation enthalpies lies between 1.52 and 1.82 eV. The amplitude of the MAE is 70 times higher in measurements under applied tensile stress compared to measurements without stress, which is attributed, on the one hand, to a reduction of the Bloch wall thickness due to an induced anisotropy and, on the other hand, to an increase of the concentration of mobile atom pairs. Additionally an increase in the magnetoelastic term of the local interaction energy 〈ϵ0〉 may be responsible for the observed high relaxation amplitudes.
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