Demand-side management from a sustainable development perspective : experience from Quebec (Canada) and India

This book describes the implementation of energy efficiency and demand-side management (DSM) projects in Quebec and India. The efficient use of energy and DSM are economical and environmentally sound approaches to power generation. The application of DSM is important in industrialized countries as well as developing countries and economies in transition. In the early 1970s, Quebec re-examined its energy supply in the wake of the oil crisis and joined forces with Hydro-Quebec and the Agence de l'efficacite energetique (AEE) to offer ongoing support for implementing energy-efficiency programmes and to promote hydroelectricity. Quebec's investment in DSM has proven to be very profitable in terms of its impact on society, the environment and the economy. The AEE promotes partnerships and the sharing of technology expertise with developing countries. This book describes the initiatives in India regarding energy efficiency improvements and DSM. In particular, it covers the work being done by governmental and non-government organizations. It also covers the legislative measures of the Energy Conservation Act and the Electricity Act of 2001. The scope and potential for DSM projects in India was also described with particular reference to the industrial, commercial, residential and agricultural sectors. Energy efficiency was shown to be the best means of achieving sustainable development for both developed and developing countries. refs., tabs., figs.
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