Stroke Caregivers: Do They Feel Prepared?

A pilot study was administered to determine if stroke caregivers felt they were adequately educated, trained, and prepared to care for their stroke survivor upon discharge. The convenience sample consisted of 26 stroke caregivers from four Indiana facilities with established therapy/rehabilitation units and two Indiana stroke clubs. Subjects were divided into groups according to the amount of time after discharge in the caregiver role (1–3 days, 10–14 days, greater than 3 months). Survey results were obtained by phone interviews and by self-administration. Compilation of data occurred over 5 months, and interpretation involved visual inspection and frequency distributions. Overall preparedness for the newer caregivers was a 4 (prepared); whereas, the more experienced caregivers' average score was a 3 (somewhat prepared). This study can help rehabilitation staff in their efforts to prepare caregivers for assisting stroke survivors at home.
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