Pemberdayaan Kelompok Tani dalam Meningkatkan Produksi Tomat dengan Pemanfaatan Agensia Hayati Streptomyces s p.,& Trichoderma sp

Pare farmer general l y cultivate their foo d crop and horticulture to gain sallary. Planting pattern to be use is paddy – maize – maize. That cultivation area utilize with tomato and chili, and other vegetables i.e. : eggplant, long beans , squash, honeydrew and other vegetables. In term of increase productivity , the farmer utilize exaggerate chemical pesticide and fe rtilizer . Meanwhile there is no attention for exaggerate chemical pesticide and fertilizer impact to environment and customers. Research goal is to u tilization of Streptomyces sp., Trichoderma sp. as decomposer and biological agent to increase production and decrease farmer’s dependency to chemical fertilizer and pesticide. The method use active farmer’s participant (PAR) as well as demoplot. Farmer’s group multiply and implement biological agent to tomato and chili. Reduce chemical fertilizer up to 50%. N umber of active farmer’s group develop and utilize biological agent up to 30%. Farmer’s observation show that pest and disease as well as growing plant almost similar with common practice. Average production of tomato 25 Kg/harvest with harvesting time up to 25. Then average production of chili up to 10 Kg/harvest with harvesting time up to 3. Keyword : Biologizal agent, PAR, Demplot, Decomposer
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