Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte der Sucht : Beruhigungs -und Schmerzmittel sind die Favoriten einsamer Frauen

Addictive diseases such as alcoholism, nicotine or opiate addiction show sex-specific characteristics.These apply to epidemiological data, the psychosocial conditions for the development of the addiction, the symptoms, possible con-sequences for pregnancy and breast-feeding, the course of the addiction, as well as its treatment. As a whole, men are more frequently substance-dependent than women. This is true for all types of addiction and for each individual substance - with the exception of benzodiazepines and analgesics to which women are equally or morefrequently dependent. Moreover, women have a different consumption pattern from men. Epidemiological surveys on illegal drugs frequently do not present sex-specific data. There also is still a great need for research in regards to sex-specific therapeutic strategies.
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