Effect of different levels of inocula of Rotylenchulus reniformis on nodulation and protein content of frenchbean.

Inoculation of )00 and above Rotylenchulus reniformis reduced the nodule, fresh and dry weight of shoot and root of frenchbean. Maximum reduction in nodule number and subsequent decrease in their fresh weight was recorded at highest level (IO,OOON) of inoculum. The total loss in protein content of seed was 12 per cent in inoculated seedlings. The reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) is commonly associated with various vegetable crops in India. Very little is known about the manner in which the biological nitrogen fixation process is affected by th is nematode. Several workers have reported that root knot nematode reduces nodulation in leguminous plants (Taha and Raski 1969; Balasubramanian 197 I; and Sharma and Sethi 1976). The present investigation was therefore undertaken for ascertaining the effect of R. rem/armis on nodulation of french bean along with the
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