Alternative Ernährungsformen: Allgemeine Aspekte und vegetarische Kostformen

Alternative diets (AD) differ from the current common mixed diet; AD are recommended as a permanent diet. These diets are based on ethical, philosophical and health promoting principles and lead to very different recommendations for food selection. Even within a particular AD there is usually a broad spectrum of versions, so that a general evaluation is only possible to a limited extent. This is also true for single AD. Vegetarian diets and partly paleo-diets have been investigated to a reasonable extent. Plant based diets are appropriate as permanent diets and offer health benefits as compared with currently practiced diets (risk reduction of cancers by 10-18% and of heart diseases by 30%; favorable effect on blood pressure and lipid profile; no risk reduction on cancer and total mortality). Vegan diets have to be critically assessed: they are linked to an increased risk of deficits for single nutrients (vitamin B12, iodine and as the case may be. calcium and long chain omega-3 fatty acids), if suitable supplements or fortified foods are not consumed.
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