Comparative in vitro evaluation of dequalinium B, a new boron carrier for neutron capture therapy (NCT).

A boronated derivative of dequalinium, a delocalized lipophilic cation (DLC), was synthesized as a potential boron carrier for the selective targeting of mitochondria in malignant versus benign cells for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT), a binary modality for the treatment of cancer. This agent, designated DEQ-B, was taken up and retained in vitro in the KB, F98, and C6 tumor cell lines but not in the normal epithelial cell line CV1. DEQ-B was also less toxic in the latter cell line at lower exposure concentrations The uptake, retention, and toxicity profiles of DEQ-B are comparable to those of the non-boronated DLCs, dequalinium, MKT 077, RH 123, and tetraphenylphosphonium chloride. Our results suggest that the synthesis and further evaluation of boronated DLCs as potential delivery agents for BNCT is warranted.
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