Creating Web Enhanced Avalanche Education at Utah State University

Beginning spring term 2007, Utah State University will offer a web enhanced level I avalanche class. The following year a graduate level avalanche and snow dynamics course will become available. For registered students, online tutorials will supplement or replace in-class lectures. Both courses will meet the American Avalanche Association guidelines for the classroom portion of Level I and Level II avalanche courses. The basic course will target recreational backcountry users. Upon successful completion, students should be able to identify avalanche terrain; identify dangerous stratigraphy; perform basic stability tests; recognize dangerous terrain and weather conditions; and demonstrate proficiency with an avalanche transceiver. The graduate Level II course is tailored for students with a science background. Advanced topics will include the role of avalanches in disturbance ecology, basic snow hydrology, and avalanche control. Most importantly, both the basic and advanced course content will be available free to the general public through the Utah State University’s OpenCourseware site. Anyone with interest and an internet connection will be able to access the classes.
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