Vertebral Fracture Risk in Patients With Low Lumbar Spine BMD: Effect of Ibandronate By Age Group

systemdwhich seeks area of minimal content to set a Ward s region locates high on the femur neck or deep in the trochanteric region. This study examines density distribution in hip scans with a Ward s in typical distribution (NOR), high femur neck distribution (FN) or a deep trochanteric distribution (TR). Bone density in eleven operator set regions were evaluated in fifty-one Norland hip scans with a Ward s in NOR distribution (n 5 17), FN distribution (n 5 17) or TR distribution (n 5 17). Regions in FN distribution studies showed densities 70–90% of the NOR studies. Regions in the TR distribution samples showed densities between 56–92% that of the NOR. When compared to the NOR studies, scans with a FN distribution showed the greatest reduced density in region 2 (70%) while those with a TR distribution showed the greatest reduced relative densities in regions 7 (57%) and 10 (66%). Significantly, both FN and TR distribution samples included regions that were similar to regions in the NOR distribution samples. In conclusion, Norland hip scan studies placing the Ward s region high in the femur neck or deep in the trochanter represent studies with significant specific regional bone loss this may place the subject at an increased risk of a specific fracture.
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