Review of the genus Leptagrion in Venezuela with new synonymies and descriptions of a new genus, Bromeliagrion , and a new species, B. rehni (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)

Type material of poorly known taxa currently placed under the genera Leptagrion Selys and Telagrion Selys is reviewed, illustrated, and correctly associated with currently known specimens in collections. The following changes are made: Leptagrion beebeanum Calvert and Leptagrion fernandezianum Racenis are placed and keyed in a new genus, Bromeliagrion De Marmels gen. nov. ; Bromeliagrion rehni Garrison sp. nov. is described from Ecuador. The following synonymies are proposed: Leptagrion auriceps St. Quentin is a junior synonym of Leptagrion macrurum (Burmeister); Leptagrion autazensis Sjostedt is a junior synonym of Aeolagrion flammeum (Selys); Leptagrion? rufum Selys is a junior synonym of Anisagrion inornatum (Selys); and Leptobasis tenax St. Quentin is a junior synonym of Telagrion longum Selys.
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