Coastal geomorphic conditions and styles of storm surge washover deposits from Southern Thailand

Abstract The characteristics of tropical storm washover deposits laid down during the years 2007 to 2011 along the southern peninsular coast of the Gulf of Thailand (GOT) were described in relation to their different geomorphic conditions, including perched fan, washover terrace and sheetwash lineations preserved behind the beach zone within 100 m of the shoreline. As a result, washover terrace and sheetwash lineations were found where the beach configuration was uniform and promoted an unconfined flow. Non-uniform beach configurations that promoted a confined flow resulted in a perched fan deposit. Washover sediments were differentiated into two types based on sedimentary characteristics, including (i) a thick-bedded sand of multiple reverse grading layers and (ii) a medium-bedded sand of multiple normal grading layers. In the case of thick-bedded washover deposits, the internal sedimentary structures were characterized by the presence of sub-horizontal bedding, reverse grading, lamination, foreset bedding and wavy bedding, whereas, horizontal bedding, normal grading, and dunes were the dominant structures in the medium-bedded washover sand. Rip-up clasts were rare and recognized only in the washover deposits in the bottom unit, which reflects the condition when a mud supply was available. All washover successions were found in the landward inclined-bedding with a basal sharp contact. A high elevated beach ridge associated with a large swale at the backshore proved suitable for a thick-bedded washover type, whereas a small beach ridge with uniformly flat backshore topography promoted a medium-bedded washover sediment.
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