Low Molecular Weight Dextran Therapy

To the Editor.— The paper by Wong and co-authors on low molecular weight dextran therapy for scleroderma in theArchives(110:419, 1974) supports findings obtained by Dr. Diana D. Parnell and me. In a paper given by me at the American Dermatological Association meeting in May 1967, I reported on our results in 11 patients with scleroderma who were treated with low molecular weight dextran. The series now is 22. We concluded that low molecular weight dextran helps patients with scleroderma. It healed painful, long-lasting ulcers of the extremities as well as relieved the pain brought on by cold (Raynaud phenomena). Often this would occur within hours. Besides this, it increased the range of motion in many joints. The skin temperature determinations, after reflex vasodilatation, indicated increased blood flow. Sonographic readings showed subtle changes in the harmonic structure of voice patterns. Subjectively, the patient noted an increase in appetite, weight,
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