Cейсмотектонические деформации в окрестности сильных землетрясений Алтая

Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia For the two severest Busingol (December 27, 1991, М = 6.5) and Altai (September 27, 2003, М = 7.3) earthquakes of the Altai-Sayan region we calculate seismotectonic strains using the data on the focal mechanisms of aftershocks and minor earthquakes registered prior to the two above events. On the maps of the latitudinal, meridional and vertical components of the strains the Altai and Busingol earthquake foci are localized near the zero strain line that divides regions with positive and negative values. At crustal deformation by the Altai earthquake aftershocks the position of this arbitrary boundary is preserved whereas the deformation type in the both parts of the aftershock zone changes. The fields of the latitudinal, meridional and vertical components of the seismotectonic deformation at the cost of the Busingol earthquake aftershocks are uniform.
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