AgNORs in cells of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. A quantitative study using automatic microscopic image analysis

: Biopsies taken from 52 cases of urinary bladder carcinoma together with samples collected from 6 controls were stained to visualize AgNORs, using a technique modified by the authors of this paper after its first introduction to histological practice by Ploton et al. (1986) as well as by Crocker and Nar (1987). AgNORs were quantitatively analyzed by means of an image processing system and a programme written by the authors' team for this particular purpose. The configuration was such that information was provided on the number and size of AgNORs. AgNORs were found to go up numerically along with aggravating malignancy, means values being 1.7/cell nucleus in Grade 1 urothelial carcinomas (controls being 1.6), 2.6 in Grade 2, and 3.3 in Grade 3. Mean AgNOR sum areas in the three above tumor groups were 3.4 microns 2, 7.4 microns 2, and 12.8 microns 2 (controls being 2.6 microns 2). Analysis of AgNORs, consequently, should provide prognostically relevant information helpful in more effective grading of urinary bladder carcinoma.
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