Methods of phobia treatment in Iranian kinfolk traditional medicine (With focus on transophobia of Khuzestan)

The purpose of this study was to investigate treatment for phobia- With an emphasis on the transophobia of Khuzestan- In the traditional medicine among ethnic group; in addition this method of treatment was compared with psychological therapies. In traditional medicine, the wise men focused on fear as a division of mental – emotions problems group. They were considered fear as an unpleasant emotional state to escape from undesirable things and for the treatment they used of herbal medicines and magical properties of stones and metals. Iranian kinfolk – especially transophobia (Tars-e-borun) in Khuzestan- searched fear factor outside the patient's body and for the treatment were used common equipments and elements like fire, water and salt. By using images that stamped with salt and water on frying pan and by interviewing with frightened person can realize the cause of fear. Some aspects of this treatment approach is applicable with some views of psychology, as well as psychoanalysis treatments, behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy and family intervention approach.
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