Design and implementation of a multifaceted injury prevention intervention in Bedouin children in southern Israel.

Background Child injury is prevalent in the Bedouin community of southern Israel, with higher injury rates compared with the general population. Bedouin children aged 0–4 were twice as likely as children from other population groups to suffer any injury, and for example, incidence of burns in Bedouin children was 0.91/1000 children, compared with 0.46/1000 in Jewish children. Methods A multifaceted injury prevention intervention was developed based on best practice methods, culturally adapted and implemented in nine Bedouin towns in collaboration with local authorities. Intervention elements included a youth leadership scheme, workshops for mothers in maternal child health centres, home safety visits, a preschool intervention and a media campaign. Outcome assessment of change following home visits was conducted. Process evaluation included a survey of mothers and focus groups with youth participants. Results High participation was demonstrated indicating acceptability of the programme. Assessment of home visits showed an improvement in the level of household safety between first and second visits, as measured by a checklist. Youth participants expressed satisfaction in the programme, which gave them confidence and practical tools. Conclusion A multifaceted intervention programme was conducted in the Bedouin community in southern Israel and found to be acceptable, with high participation levels. Collaboration between national and local authorities improved implementation, and multiple programmes in different settings enabled broad exposure to the programme.
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