Comparative activity of pradofloxacin against anaerobic bacteria isolated from dogs and cats

Objectives: To compare the intrinsic activity of pradofloxacin, a new fluoroquinolone developed for use in veterinary medicine, with other fluoroquinolones, against anaerobic bacteria isolated from dogs and cats. Methods: One hundred and forty-one anaerobes were isolated from dogs and cats and comparative MICs of pradofloxacin, marbofloxacin, enrofloxacin, difloxacin and ibafloxacin were determined according to standardized agar dilution methodology. Results: Pradofloxacin exerted the greatest antibacterial activity followed by marbofloxacin, enrofloxacin, difloxacin and ibafloxacin. Based on the distinctly lower MIC 50 , MIC 90 and mode MIC values, pradofloxacin exhibited a higher in vitro activity than any of the comparator fluoroquinolones. Conclusions: Pradofloxacin, a novel third-generation fluoroquinolone, has broad-spectrum anti-anaerobe activity and offers utility as single-drug therapy for mixed aerobic/anaerobic infections.
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