A checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Western Sahara (Amphibia, Reptilia) Checkliste der Amphibien und Reptilien von Westsahara (Amphibia, Reptilia)

The list of the amphibians and reptiles of Western Sahara includes 46 species (4 amphibians and 42 reptiles), while 13 further species unknown in this area could conceivably be discovered there. Among the important facts, we exclude Tarentola boehmei from the fauna of Western Sahara, and report on the effect of the Jbel Ouarkziz which acts as a biogeographical boundary, separating the herpetofaunal elements from Morocco (north of the Jbel Ouarkziz) and from Western Sahara. The herpetofauna of Western Sahara is composed as follows: 10 species can be considered as being of Mediterranean affinities, 2 as North Saharan, 19 as purely Saharan, 7 as being of Sahelian affinities, 4 are tropical relicts and 4 are limited to the oceanic fringe of the Sahara and can be considered as "continental Macaronesian endemics". This confirms that the herpetofauna of Western Sahara is mainly of Saharan origin but that this area is, in spite of its apparently uniform landscape, a biogeographica l cross-roads for Amphibians and Reptiles. This can be related to the wide latitudinal amplitude of Western Sahara and by the climate contrast between the oceanic fringe, comparatively humid and temperate, and the remaining of the country, subject to a dry Saharan climate with strongly contrasted temperature.
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