High-K Biomolecule Sensor Based on L-Shaped Tunnel FET

This paper investigates the detection of various neutral biomolecules having high dielectric constant using L-shaped Tunnel Field Effect Transistors (TFETs) in wet environment. This scheme relies on entire removal of vertical oxide arm of L-shaped device in which the biomolecules are captured by the receptors attached to the oxide-semiconductor interface. The dielectric constant of the biomolecules influences current-voltage characteristics of the device. The transfer characteristics of the device are obtained using well-calibrated SILVACO ATLAS device simulator. Our findings show that carrier in-line tunneling with gate field enables the opportunity to detect the presence of a biomolecule such as pyridine with a maximum voltage sensitivity of 1.3 V in a watery medium. Obtained results suggest that the proposed sensor operates with high or comparable sensitivity for sensing biomolecules relative to earlier findings in the literature.
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