Parallel implementations of coupled formulations for the analysis of floating production systems, Part II: Domain decomposition strategies

Abstract This work presents the implementation, on computers with parallel architecture, of domain decomposition strategies for the coupled analysis of floating production systems (FPS). The strategies are associated to formulations for the coupling of the equations of motion of hull and lines, and to different algorithms for the solution of these equations. The strategies are grouped as “external” and “internal”. The former incorporates a “master-slave” scheme where the hull equations are solved in the “master” processor, and the equations of each line are solved in the “slave” processors. This scheme is associated to an external subcycling procedure, where the time step employed to integrate the hull equations is larger than the step for the lines. In the “internal” partition strategies, the FE mesh of each line is partitioned amongst the processors. Different strategies are presented, including an internal subcycling procedure associated to an explicit algorithm, using distinct time steps to integrate the equations of each partition (according to its physical characteristics); and an implicit domain decomposition method where completely arbitrary mesh partitions may be defined. Results of case studies are presented, to assess the performance of the parallel implementations described.
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