Recent cognitive psychology research shows strongly that quizzes help retain learning. What does this mean for CAA

Recent research in cognitive psychology has deepened understanding of the positive effect of retrieval practice on retention of learning. Studies clearly show that practicing retrieval, including taking formative quizzes and tests, is an efficient way of retaining learning for the long term, more efficient than spending the same time restudying. Quizzes and tests do not just measure learning: the very act of taking them gives recall practice and strengthens retention of what has been learned. This paper is a position paper that draws on new results from elsewhere rather than producing new data itself. The paper introduces research on the retrieval effect, its findings and then considers what the findings mean for the application of computer assisted assessment in higher education and corporate training. The paper suggests that the logical consequences of the psychological research are that it would be efficient to give learners more opportunities for retrieval practice and that computerassisted formative assessments are a good route for doing this.
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