Multipl Sklerozda Human Lökasit Antijen Sıklığının İncelenmesi

Human Leukocyte Antigen Frequency in Multiple Sclerosis II is commonly believed thai I he personal predisposition in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is controlled by polygenetic factors. In the last few years, the attention is focused closely to (lie Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) which are encoded bv Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC ). In this study, we compared the disperlion of HLA of 50 patients Willi the diagnosis of definite MS acording to the Poser criteria, with 125 healthy volunteers Iroiii the same geographic region. From class I, 1ILA-A3 and B-41. and from class II. only HLA-DR15 were significantly high in the palienl group. Our results related with class I group was discordant with the literature. This dala did not support the conviction Hint there was no correlation between MS and class I antigens. The high frequency of HLA-DP15 was similiar with the results of a study previously performed in Turkey and a lew other studies of Mediterranean countries. The difference between the results of this and other studies performed in our country may be due to the variation of HLA dislrubition in different geographic regions, as a result of different ethnical origins. MS'de bireysel yatkinligin poligenetik denetim allinda oklugu konusunda genel bir fikir birligi vardir. Son yillarda dikkatler, genel olarak Major Histokompalibilite Kompleksi (MHC) tarafindan kodlanan Human Lokosit Antijenleri'ne (HLA) yonelmektedir Bu calismada Poser kriterlerine gore kesin Multipl Skleroz (MS) tanisi alan 50 haslanin HLA dagilimlarini ayni bolgede yasayan 125 saglikli kontrol grubu ile karsilastirdik. 1 kislalarda sinir I grubunda HLA-A31 ve B41. sinif II grubunda ise HLA-DR1 5 anlamli olarak daha sik bulundu. Sinif I grubundaki sonuclarimiz literatur sonuclarivla iivgunsuzdu. Bu verimiz MS ile sinif 1 antijenleri arasinda iliski olmadigina iliskin genel kaniva ters dusmustur. HLA-DR1 5 sikligi ise ulkemizde yapilan bir calisma ve bir kar Akdeniz ulkesi sonuclariyla uyumlu bulundu. Sonuclarimizin ulkemizde yapilan diger calisina sonuclari ile farklilik gostermesi, ulkemizin farkli bolgelerinde cesitli etnik kokende insanlarin yasamasina bagli olarak farkli ULA dagilimlarinin bulunmasi ile aciklanabilir.
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