A PPAR-α agonist protects the non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic inhibitory system of guinea pig trachea from the effect of inhaled ammonium persulphate: a pilot study.

SUMMARY Aim of the study. Inhaled ammonium persulphate (AP) reduces non adrenergic, non cholinergic (NANC) relaxation in the guinea pig trachea, as a part of its inflammatory effects. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR) stimulation has shown anti-inflammatory properties. This study aimed at evaluating whether the PPAR-α agonist WY 14643 can prevent the reduction in NANC relaxation caused by inhaled AP in the guinea pig trachea. Materials and Methods. Four groups of ten male guinea pigs were treated for three weeks with inhaled AP (10 mg/m3, 30 min per day, group A), saline (group B), AP and WY 14643 (0.36 μM/die, per os, group C), and AP, WY 14643 and the PPAR-α antagonist GW 6471 (0.36 μM/die, per os, group D). NANC relaxations to electrical field stimulation (EFS) at 3 Hz were evaluated in whole tracheal segments as intraluminal pressure changes. Results. The tracheal NANC relaxations were reduced by 90.3% in group A, as compared to group B. In group C, they were reduced by only 22.2%. In group D, they were reduced by 92.6 %. PPAR-α receptors were detected in inhibitory nerve fibers within the trachea as shown by immonohistochemical analysis. Conclusions. The PPAR-α agonist WY 14643 protects the NANC inhibitory system of the guinea pig trachea from the effect of inhaled ammonium persulphate and its protective effect is antagonized by GW 6471. PPAR-α might be exploited.
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