Influence of solar and sensor angles on chlorophyll estimation for geostationary ocean color imager

The impact of the solar and sensor angles on band-ratio chlorophyll concentration (Chl) estimation in Case 1 waters (open ocean) is analyzed in this work. The error range of Chl estimation due to angular variation is evaluated. The radiative transfer code Hydrolight is used for remote sensing reflectance simulation for 20 spectral bands. OC4v4 algorithm is used for Chl estimation. The results indicate that the error range of Chl estimation is between -41.91% and +46.15% when Chl range is from 0.0425 mg/m 3 to 10.6685 mg/m 3 and the solar and sensor zenith angles vary between 0 and 80°. This study provides a reference to determine the effective observation area of a future multispectral or hyperspectral geostationary ocean color sensor.
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