Challenging behaviour and restrictive practices: A review of progress since 2006

Aim: This research considers the lives of people described by the HonourableWJ Carter QC (2006) in his Queensland review of services for adults with IDand severely challenging behaviours. The cases presented in Carter’s reportdemonstrated how the lives of individuals can become so restrictive that theybreach fundamental human rights. Legislative and service provision changes thathave occurred in response to the report should have begun to take effect. Asnapshot of the group’s current situation is compared to their situation in 2006.Method: Individual files were searched and key people were interviewed aboutlife changes experienced by the individuals since 2006. The authors interrogatedthe data using case study domains from the original report. A comparative analysiswas undertaken of the snapshot for each individual in 2006 with the snapshotof their situation in 2010. Results: Aggregated data will provide emergenttrends and patterns for the cohort. Hypotheses regarding barriers and facilitatorsto improving the life quality of individuals will be presented. Conclusion: Theresearch represents a first step in gauging how systems change is reflected in thelives of adults with ID and challenging behaviours in Queensland. The group’sdata provides an indicator for the larger cohort of adults who were underrestrictive practices in 2006. Results from this study will inform disability policyand service priorities
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