Brief Communication Gene response of mouse skin to pressure injury in the neck region

We analyzed the gene expression pattern in mouse skin following compression of the neck by fluorescent mRNA differential display (FDD-PCR). RNA was isolated from the skin tissue immediately or 30 min after ligation at the neck for 25 min resulting in death (Group A-0, Group A-30). Control mice underwent no compression of the neck and were killed by decapitation (Group C-0, Group C30). FDD-PCR and sequence analysis revealed that the faciogenital dysplasia gene (Rho member families) and secreted frizzled related protein 1 (modulator of Wnt networks) were enhanced only in the Group A-30. In addition, common salivary protein 1 and mouse 0 day neonate skin cDNA clone z4631433E12 from the RIKEN full-length enriched library were also induced in Groups A-0 and A-30. These findings were consistent with the results of statistical analysis by ANOVA following quantitative real-time PCR. No differences in band pattern were observed between Group C-0 and Group C-30. Therefore, our findings suggested that the altered expression of genes was associated with signal transduction. The results may contribute to clarifying the pathophysiology of compression of the skin and may be useful in the diagnosis of suffocation. q 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
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