Aim Reagent receipt and quality control is very important in each laboratory, our aim was to implement an easy and efficient system that would document the receipt of each reagent and automatically trigger QC testing prior to use. Methods The following steps were implemented: 1) One key technologist was identified to oversee the process. 2) An electronic Excel-based reagent tracking spreadsheet was developed. The information recorded on the tracking spreadsheet includes: reagent name, lot number, order date, receipt date, date of QC, technologist performing QC, date of QC review, date the reagent was put in-use, and, last date the reagent was in-use. The spreadsheet is simple to complete and a filtering option was added for easy searching. 3) A procedure was written and competency was documented. 4) QC testing to be completed within one week of reagent receipt was assigned by the key technologist to a specific workbench. 5) A simplified reagent QC guideline was developed. 6) QC data were reviewed for acceptability by the key technologist. 7) All QC data were then approved by the supervisor. 8) An audit of the tracking system was performed monthly. Results In January of 2013, after six months of implementing the system, we performed an audit of thirty random patient charts focusing on the completeness and documentation of reagent QC. The results of this audit revealed that all reagents used were documented and QC testing was complete. This represented a significant improvement over audit findings prior to the implementation of the tracking system. Conclusions Streamlining reagent receiving and quality control testing is extremely important in every laboratory. Its successful implementation requires everyone’s participation. We have found that our restructured systematic process is not only easily monitored, but also 1)easily adhered to by all personnel, 2)saves time and facilitates inventory control, 3)avoids midnight reagent crises, and (best of all), 4)we are always ready for inspection.
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