Digital skills training in Higher Education: insights about the perceptions of different stakeholders

Digital skills are key enablers in a wide spectrum of jobs that require the use of digital tools for information search, communication and problem-solving. The interest on digital skills training has resulted in frameworks and offerings at different educational levels. However, there is a limited understanding on the relative importance of these skills for different stakeholders, and on the instructional methods that may better facilitate their acquisition in the Higher Education (HE) context as a preparation for the workplace. Here we report the results of a trans-national study on the perceptions of different stakeholder groups (namely students, employers, instructors and civic institutions) about the relative importance of digital competences, the effectiveness of current offerings and the best approaches for their acquisition. The European DigComp 2.1 framework for digital skills was used as a way of structuring the inquiry process based on surveys and focus groups. Results showed some differences in perception across groups and a clear focus on information search and communication abilities as priorities, but also to a perceived gap between the needs and the actual abilities of students. Results also point out to situated and problem-based learning approaches as adequate instructional methods.
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