A genetic algorithm to solve a three-echelon capacitated location problem for a distribution center within a solid waste management system in the northern region of Veracruz, Mexico

espanolMexico es el tercer consumidor mundial de Tereftalato de Polietileno (PET), solo despues de Estados Unidos y China. El PET es utilizado comunmente para fabricar recipientes de plastico tales como botellas para bebidas y empaques para alimentos. Se puede argumentar que el principal problema con respecto a la contaminacion generada por los residuos de PET radica en una inadecuada gestion de residuos solidos. Proponemos un modelo de programacion entera mixta del problema de localizacion de instalaciones capacitado y luego un algoritmo genetico es desarrollado para optimizar este modelo. El problema se describe de la siguiente manera: dada la cantidad de PET generado en la region norte de Veracruz, Mexico, considerando cinco ciudades y cada una como una fuente de generacion unica, un centro de recoleccion tiene que ser seleccionado entre un conjunto de lugares previamente determinados en la ciudad de Tempoal, Veracruz; con el fin de servir a un conjunto de puntos de demanda en el mercado re-uso; se asume que las demandas como parametros de incertidumbre. El objetivo es minimizar el costo total del sistema. EnglishMexico is the world's third largest consumer of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), only preceded by the United States and China. PET is commonly used in plastic containers such as beverage bottles and food packaging. It can be argued that the main problem regarding pollution generated by PET waste lies in the lack of appropriate solid waste management. The decision regarding facility location is the central issue in solid waste management. A mixed integer linear programming model of the capacitated facility location problem is proposed and then a genetic algorithm is designed to optimize the model. The problem is described as follows: given the quantities of PET generated in the northern region of Veracruz, Mexico, by considering five cities and each as a single generation source, a collection center has to be selected among a set of pre-identified locations in the town of Tempoal, Veracruz; in order to serve a set of demand points in the re-use market; demands are assumed to be uncertain. The aim is to minimize the system's overall cost.
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