Cow urine efficacy against stem borers and cost benefit in soybean production

Field trials were conducted in kharif season for evaluating cow urine efficacy against stem borers and cost benefit in soybean production in comparison to conventional insecticide (chlorpyrifos) and biopesticide (Dipel). Spraying of chemicals was done three times (30, 50 and 70 days after sowing) during the experimental period. Observations on percent infestation of girdle beetle and stem fly was recorded. The plant infestation of Girdle beetle, Obereopsis brevis, was significantly reduced in lower concentrations of cow urine (15, 10 and 5%) treated plots at 7 days after third spray. Stem fly, Melanagromyza sozae, infestation was significantly less at higher levels of cow urine (75 and 100%) than control. There was reduction in percent stem tunneling in almost all levels of cow urine, Chlorpyrifos and Dipel. The yield data indicates that cow urine at 25, 50 and 75% concentration and Chlorpyrifos have significantly higher yield than control. Highest cost benefit ratio (1: 18.9) was obtained from cow urine 5%. However, highest additional yield value of Rs. 6520 per hectare was obtained with cow urine 50%.
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