Automated navigation of a glass micropipette on a high-density microelectrode array

High-density microelectrode arrays (HDMEAs) provide the capability to monitor the extracellular electric potential of multiple neurons at subcellular resolution over extended periods of time. In contrast, patch clamp allows for intracellular, sub-threshold recordings from a single patched neuron for very limited time on the order of an hour. Therefore, it will be beneficial to combine HDMEA and patch clamp for simultaneous intra- and extracellular recording of neuronal activity. Previously, it has been shown that the HDMEA can be used to localize and steer a glass micropipette towards a target location without using an optical microscope [1]. Here, we present an automated system, implemented in LabVIEW, which automatically locates and moves the glass micropipette towards a user-defined target. The presented system constitutes a first step towards developing an automated system to navigate a pipette to patch a neuron in vitro.
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