Folfiri-bevacizumab as first line treatment for advanced colorectal cancer (ACRC): Results from 77 consecutive unsellected patients

15056 Background: Bevazicumab (BV) combined with IFL (Irinotecan, bolus 5FU and Leucovorin) improves response rate (ORR) and overall survival (OS) in patients (p) with ACRC. Nowadays, infusional 5FU based combinations are considered the optimal schedules. In EU, only irinotecan based combinations are approved for the use in combination with B in the first line setting. We analysed the efficacy and toxicity of a consecutive cohort of unselected patients with ACRC treated with FOLFIRI-BV. Methods: From Aug-05 to Mar-07, 77p with unresectable ACRC received BV 5mg/kg d1, Irinotecan 180mg/m2 d1, Leucovorin 200mg/m2 d1 y 2, 5FU 400mg/m2 bolus and 600mg/m2 CI of 22h d1 and 2, every 14 days (FOLFIRI-BV). There were 50 males and the median age was 63 y (29–83). ECOG 0/1/2: 34/40/3. Primary tumor: colon 43p, rectum 33p, 1p doble primary. Median number of metastatic sites was 1.5 (1–4). According to Khone risk classification, there were 60% of low risk patients, 35% of intermediate rist and 5% of high risk. Results:...
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