Proteomic comparison of Chelidonium majus L. latex in different phases of plant development

Abstract Chelidonium majus L. (Papaveraceae) latex is used in traditinonal folk medicine to treat papillae, warts, condylomas, which are visible effects of human papilloma virus (HPV) infections. The aim of this work was to provide new insights into the biology and medicinal use of C. majus milky sap in the flowering and fruit ripening period of the plant by comparing the protein content between samples collected on respective developmental stages using LC-MS-based label-free proteome approach. For quantification, the multiplexed LC-MS data were processed using comparative chemometric approach. Progenesis LC-MS results showed that in green fruit phase (stage IV), comparing to flowering phase (stage III) of plant development, a range of proteins with higher abundance were identified as stress- and defense-related. On the other hand at stage III very intense protein synthesis, processes of transcription, protein folding and active transport of molecules (ABC transporters) are well represented. 2-DE protein maps showed an abundant set of spots with similar MWs (about 30–35 kDa) and pIs (ca. 5.5–6.5), which were identified as major latex proteins (MLPs). Therefore we suggest that biological activity of C. majus latex could be related to its protein content, which shifts during plant development from intense biosynthetic processes (biosynthesis and transport of small molecules, like alkaloids) to plant defense mechanisms against pathogens. Further studies will help to elucidate if these defense-related and pathogenesis-related proteins, like MLP, together with small-molecule compounds, could inhibit viral infection, what could be a step to fully understand the medicinal activity of C. majus latex.
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