The Structure and Dynamics of Macrozoobenthic Communities of the Bega River Water

The benthic macro invertebrates are good indicators of localized conditions, as many of the benthic macro invertebrates have limited migration patterns or a sessile mode of life. Most species have a complex life cycle of one year or more. Sensitive life stages will respond quickly to stress; the overall community will respond more slowly. The structure and distribution of the different benthonic macro-invertebrates communities is considered to be one of the important indicators of the surface waters’ quality . In November 2014, were collected 20 quantitative samples of benthic zones, in the Bega River in order to highlight the links between pollution degree and the saprobionte organisms community. The aim of this paper is to show the effects of human impact (Ghiroda village, potable water treatment station, sewage water treatment station of Timisoara, SA¢nmihaiu Roman village) on benthic community structure and dynamics of different ecosystems from Bega River water. After the laboratory work was carried out, it was identified ten groups of benthic macro invertebrates: Oligochaeta subclass Hirudin class, Lamelibranchiata class, Gastropoda class, Nematoda phylum, Diptera order (larvae of the families Chironomidae, Ceratopogonidae and Tipulidae ), Isopoda order, Trichoptera order, Odonata order, Coleoptera order).
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