La traducción al latín de algunos términos griegos y su repercusión en los comentarios a los "Aphthonii Progymnasmata"

In this work, we have analysed commentaries to the Latin translation of the exercise of the fable of Aphthonius’ Progymnasmata in order to check how the translation of some terms may affect the commentary. Since in the process of translation from one language into another it is very difficult to find exact equivalence, the translator makes the choice he considers most adequate, giving priority to some semantic nuances over other ones, and, sometimes, he even provides the term in the target language with meanings that were not present in the source language. This choice seems to respond only to the translator’s preferences but it has consequences and it influences on the commentators. Moreover, the previous existence of an already coined term does not prevent translators and scholiasts from creating new ones, maybe eager to be original. Finally, the effect of translation is twofold: on the one hand, it affects the way the concept is understood and the commentary, and, on the other hand, it reflects the translator’s view of reality.
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