Applications of the modified Cantwell–Ransley epispadias repair in the exstrophy–epispadias complex

Abstract Objective The Cantwell–Ransley technique is the most popular and widely used approach to epispadias repair. This is an evaluation and update of the long-term results of using the modified Cantwell–Ransley technique for epispadias repair. Patients and methods The modified Cantwell–Ransley epispadias repair technique was performed on 129 boys of which 97 had classic bladder exstrophy and 32 complete epispadias. For 106 boys this was primary urethral repair (82 with classic exstrophy, 24 with epispadias) and for the other 23 boys it was a repeat repair (15 with exstrophy, eight with epispadias). Results At a mean follow-up of 88 months, 120 had a penis that was inclined downward or horizontally while standing. In patients with exstrophy, fistulae were noted in 16% and 33% after primary and repeat urethral repair, respectively. In patients with epispadias, fistulae were noted in 13% and 25% after primary and secondary repair, respectively. In total, five boys with a fistula appearing in the immediate postoperative period following primary urethral repair demonstrated spontaneous healing by 3 months' follow-up. Urethral stricture requiring treatment developed in nine patients. Minor wound infection and skin separation occurred in nine with exstrophy and three with epispadias. Endoscopic examination or catheterization in 120 cases revealed an easily manipulated neourethra. Of 15 sexually active patients, all reported orgasms and ejaculation with a straight penis on erection, although one has complained that his penis is shorter since surgery. Conclusions The modified Cantwell–Ransley technique for epispadias repair produces durable functional and cosmetic results, and fewer major complications than seen with other repairs. Fistulae occurring after primary urethral repair may close spontaneously, but all those occurring after repeat closure will require further surgery.
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