Complete Set of Dimension-9 Operators in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory

We present a complete and independent list of the dimension 9 operator basis in the Standard Model effective field theory by an automatic algorithm based on the amplitude-operator correspondence. A complete basis (y-basis) is first constructed by enumerating Young tableau of an auxiliary $SU(N)$ group and the gauge groups, with the equation-of-motion and integration-by-part redundancies all removed. In the presence of repeated fields, another basis (p-basis) with explicit flavor symmetries among them is derived from the y-basis, which further induces a basis of independent monomial operators through a systematic process called de-symmetrization. Our form of operators have advantages over the traditional way of presenting operators constrained by flavor relations, in the simplicity of both eliminating flavor redundancies and identifying independent flavor-specified operators. We list the 90456 (560) operators for three (one) generations of fermions, all of which violate baryon number or lepton number conservation; among them we find new violation patterns as $\Delta B = 2$ and $\Delta L = 3$, which only appear at the dimensions $d \ge 9$.
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