Prenatal toxicity of 2-methoxypropylacetate-1 in rats and rabbits

2-Methoxypropylacetate-1 was investigated in Wistar rats and Himalayan rabbits for embryotoxic potential. Rats after inhalation exposure to 0, 0.6, 3.0, or 14.9 mg/liter (approximately 0, 110, 550, or 2700 ppm, respectively) for 6 hr per day from gestation Days 6 through 15 exhibited some degree of maternal toxicity at 2700 and 550 ppm. At 2700 ppm an increase of skeletal anomalies of the thoracic vertebrae among the fetuses was observed and interpreted as an exposure-related slight teratogenic effect. In Himalayan rabbits exposed via inhalation to 0, 0.2, 0.8, or 3.0 mg/liter (approximately 0, 36, 145, or 550 ppm, respectively) for 6 hr per day from gestation Days 6 through 18 teratogenicity was much more pronounced: at 550 ppm, in the absence of clear maternal toxicity, the fetuses of all litters showed severe malformations. No maternal or fetal effects were observed at 145 and 36 ppm. Dermal application of 1000 and 2000 mg/kg to Himalayan rabbits from gestation Days 6 through 18 failed to produce maternal or fetal toxicity.
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