El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los avances y resultados preliminares en la adaptacion linguistica y conceptual del Eating Disorder Inventory -3 (EDI-3), (Garner, 2004) a nuestro medio. Se trata de la ultima revision de una de las medidas estandarizadas de autoinforme mas ampliamente difundidas y utilizadas para evaluar aquellas dimensiones psicologicas clinicamente relevantes tanto en el desarrollo como en el mantenimiento de los trastornos alimentarios. En una primera etapa, se realizo la traduccion del inventario y se analizo el contenido de cada item teniendo en cuenta su correspondencia conceptual con el constructo de la subescala a la que pertenece. En una etapa posterior, se analizaron y compararon versiones previas del inventario en castellano (argentina y espanola) con el fin de seleccionar aquellos items que presentaban mayor equivalencia teorica y modificar aquellos que, en administraciones a muestras anteriores, mostraron alguna dificultad en la adecuacion a nuestra realidad sociocultural. Finalmente, se reviso el inventario preliminar con un grupo de expertos y se le administro a una muestra piloto clinica y no clinica para evaluar la comprension y frecuencia de respuesta de los items adaptados. Se presenta la version preliminar junto con los criterios seguidos en su adaptacion y los resultados de la administracion en este estudio piloto. Palabras clave Trastornos alimentarios Inventario Adaptacion ABSTRACT LINGUISTIC AND CONCEPTUAL ADAPTATION OF THE EATING DISORDER INVENTORY -3 (GARNER, 2004). A PILOT STUDY The purpose of this work is to present the advances and preliminary results in the linguistic and conceptual adaptation of the Eating Disorder Inventory -3 (Garner, 2004) to our environment. This is the latest version of one of the most widely spread self-report standardized measures used to asses those clinically relevant psychological dimensions both in the eating disorders development and maintenance. At a first stage, we translate the inventory and each item and its concept with its belonging subscale construct were analyzed. At an ulterior stage, we analyze and compare previous Spanish versions of the inventory (from Argentina and Spain) in order to select those items which showed a greater theoretical equivalence and to modify those items that, when provided in previous samples, showed some difficulty in the adjustment to our socio-cultural reality. Finally, the preliminary inventory was analyzed by experts and administrated to a clinical and non-clinical sample within a pilot study, in order to assess comprehension and answer frequency of the adapted items. We present the preliminary version together with the criteria followed in its adaptation and the results of administration in this pilot study. Key words Eating Disorders Inventory Adaptation
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