Semiconductor devices for pure quantum light generation (Conference Presentation)

The ability to generate and manipulate light in pure quantum states is central to the development of quantum enhanced technologies, be it for optical quantum computing or for quantum secure communications. Recently, artificial atoms in the form of semiconductor quantum dots have emerged as an excellent platform to develop efficient components for optical quantum technologies. Using the tools of cavity quantum electrodynamics to harness the quantum light emission and to reduce the decoherence phenomena, single photon wavepackets with very high quantum purity can now be generated. This new generation of devices show unprecedented efficiency and allows scaling-up linear quantum optical technologies [3,4]. The high quality of the artificial atoms also allows to observe new phenomena, such as the generation of light pulses in a pure quantum superposition in the photon number basis [5], or to explore optical non-linearities at the single photon level [6] [1] N. Somaschi, et al. Nature Photonics, 10, 340 (2016) [2] P Senellart, G Solomon, A White, Nature Nanotechnology 12 (11), (2017) [3] C Anton, et al., Optica 6 (12), 1471-1477 (2019) [4] D. Istrati, arXiv 1912.04375 [5] J. C. Loredo, C. Anton, et., Nature Photonics 13 (11), 803 (2019) [6] L. De Santis, et al, Nature Nanotechnology 12, 663 (2017)
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