Acceleration of electrons in the interaction of a subterawatt laser pulse with a nonuniform plasma

We consider the effect of nonlinear self-focusing and self-modulation processes on the acceleration of electrons in the interaction of a subterawatt femtosecond laser pulse with a gas jet plasma. A three-dimensional particle-in-cell (3D PIC) simulation of the interaction of laser radiation with a low-density nonuniform plasma shows that laser pulse self-focusing that arises when the critical power of relativistic self-focusing determined by the local concentration of plasma electrons exceeds the pulse power results in efficient generation of a plasma wave. Due to a decrease in the phase velocity of the wake plasma wave generated via self-modulation of the laser pulse, electrons are trapped into the accelerating phase of the plasma wave and are accelerated to energies of ~10 MeV. It is demonstrated that under the conditions for limiting the electrons' acceleration region by the length of their dephasing, quasi-monoenergetic electron bunches with a characteristic energy of ~9 MeV can be produced. The effective temperature of the accelerated electrons and their angular distribution, obtained by 3D PIC simulation, are in good agreement with those determined in the experiment.
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