How Membrane Curvature Drives the Up-Concentration of N-Ras Proteins to Ordered Lipid Domains : Correlation of In Vivo and In Vitro Experiments with Mean Field Theory Calculations and Coarse Grain Simulations

Sorting and trafficking of membrane-anchored Ras GTPases is critical for signaling and is believed to rely on their preferential portioning in ordered lipid-protein membrane domains (1). However studies in vitro have failed to quantify the preferential partitioning of full length Ras proteins into the liquid ordered phase(2), indicating that a physical principle underlying sorting of Ras is missing. We recently showed that lipidated proteins localize to highly curved membranes in vitro(3, 4). Here we provide a mechanistic insight on how membrane curvature can drive N-Ras sorting.Combining the results of our in vitro assays, measurements on single vesicles, with in vivo studies, hypo-osmotic swelling of cells that flattens curved membrane regions, revealed that : a) N-Ras is preferentially recruited in areas of high membrane curvature and b) membrane curvature is the enabling factor underlying the selective partitioning of NRas in ordered domains. The combined readout of mean field theory calculations and coarse grain simulations provided a mechanistic insight on preferential partitioning in highly curved areas, via the changes in lateral pressure of the outer monolayer when curving an ordered versus a disordered membrane. In addition to providing the first biophysical sorting mechanism for Ras validated by both in vitro and in vivo measurements, our data indicate that membrane curvature may act as a generic cue underlying trafficking and sorting of multiple lipidated proteins.References1. J. F. Hancock, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 4, 373 (2003).2. S. A. Johnson Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Biomembranes 1798, 1427 (2010).3. N. S. Hatzakis et al., Nat. Chem. Biol. 5, 835 (2009).4. V. K. Bhatia, et al Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 21, 381 (2010).
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